Hybrid PT Physical Therapy and Performance
Tips & Advice
“Tennis Elbow” (Lateral Epicondylitis)
One of the most commonly associated injuries with tennis, given that it literally has “tennis” in the name. “Tennis elbow,” or lateral epicondylitis, as it’s known medically, is basically a painful condition at the tendons of the outer forearm muscles by the outer...
10 Tips to Stay Positive During Stressful Times!
1. Make small improvements in your daily life, routine, diet, etc. 2. Support yourself on positive minded people. 3. Extract yourself from the problem. 4. Don't take it personally. 5. Focus on the bright side of things. 6. Meditate. 7. Disconnect. 8. Keep your...
Post Snow-Shoveling Recovery
Well February definitely made its mark by dropping at least 16-18” by us, and more elsewhere in NJ! For those of you who are feeling soreness and stiffness in your forearms, upper and lower back after multiple shoveling trips, some helpful tips:⠀ 1. Hydrate💦! Drink...
Helpful Tips for the Pending Snowstorm!
It seems that winter is far from over with snowfall for this year, so here are some helpful tips in preparation for the snowstorm that is coming tonight! For those of you to whom I expressed my predictions that the winter was not going to have any additional...
October is National Physical Therapy Month! What does “PT” even mean?
What is "PT" or "physical therapy"? For some who have experienced it, the definition varies from literally undergoing "pain and torture" to getting hot/cold packs with "electric tingling", or just massage with exercise. Unfortunately, there is a conflicting...
Mobility vs. Flexibility??
Ever get confused about "mobility" versus "flexibility" ? These terms are often used interchangeably, and while they are not the same, each has an important function in how we move. So what is mobility? Mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through a...
At Long Last, the Gym is Back!
For those of us in NJ, we received the long-awaited news that gyms can finally re-open for indoor use starting today, September 1, 2020! After nearly 6 months of trying to stay active at home through virtual bodyweight workouts, your home gym with price-gouged...
“Golfer’s Elbow” (Medial Epicondylitis)
Another common injury seen with tennis, but with a different sport name is called “golfer’s elbow” or medial epicondylitis. Similar to lateral epicondylitis, it is painful condition at the tendons of the inner forearm muscles by the inner part of the elbow. This...
“How can I still get physical therapy during these times?”
"COVID-19" and "Coronavirus" have been two of the most searched terms on Google, and the most talked about on the news and among your family and friends. It has caused such a dramatic change in our current lifestyle with no immediate end in sight. People are now...
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU) Injury
The extensor carpi ulnar (ECU) muscle plays a key role not only in the active movements of wrist extension and ulnar deviation but also in providing stability to the ulnar side of the wrist. The ECU tendon relies on specific stabilizing structures to hold it in the...