How To Get The Help You Need Even If You're At Home and without Gym Equipment
Whether it is a global pandemic that is keeping people at home or you feel like you don't have enough time in your schedule to take care of yourself, then a telehealth/virtual consultation is right for you. Virtual consultations or telehealth has been used in practice for some time and offers incredible success with decreasing pain, improving how people move, and empowering them to take control of their symptoms and situation. Given the circumstances, we all feel like we don't have a lot control right now. That does not mean has to be in every facet of your life.
So what is "telehealth" or a "virtual consultation"? It is exclusive one-on-one time with your physical therapist, but instead of being face-to-face in person, you are face-to-face via your smartphone or laptop camera. Just like in a typical session, we are still able to evaluate and assess you, guide you through your exercises and movements, and help you move towards your goals. The huge benefit is that you get the same input and care that you would receive in the clinic, but done with the convenience at your home.
The truth is, your pain is probably going to get worse over the next several weeks while you spend more time at home. Motivation to exercise is at an all-time low, and access to the gym is currently restricted. As a healthcare providers, we know that a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your body and immune system.
Remaining Sedentary Is The Worst Thing That You Can Do For Muscle And Joint Pain.
Right now, the biggest complaints that we are hearing are about individual work setups while they are at home. Instead of using a desk, people are spending hours scrunched up on the couch while they stare at their laptop.
Do you feel like every time you go to get up from the couch it takes 10 steps before you can stand up straight and walk normal? Are you getting knee pain from your at home workout? Do you feel like your neck or shoulders are starting to feel sore or achy from a poor work setup at home? Are you starting to get the feeling that no matter what you do, the next several weeks or even months are going to have you in a tremendous amount of pain?
If this sounds like you, then click below to take the next step in getting the help you need with your own telehealth/virtual consultation!
Talk to a PT First
If you are not quite ready to schedule an appointment with a us right now, but you have questions and think it would be good to talk to someone at Hybrid PT first, we’d love to discuss the specifics of your situation over the phone. This will ensure you can be 100% sure that we can help you. Please click the button below and fill out the short form to schedule a call and one of our specialists will answer all the questions you have over the phone, absolutely free...